Back in circulation as showtime begins in Singapore

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

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I might have stayed at this hotel on many occasions. But I shall never tire of this view.

I’m at the Marina Bay Sands, of course, in Singapore. The 2016 TFWA Asia Pacific Exhibition & Conference got underway yesterday with the traditional sports events and a brilliant Opening Cocktail at Raffles Hotel. Now today it’s down to business with the conference which, as always, has attracted a top-class line-up.

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I’m delighted to be back in trade show circulation after my own circulation issues of a rather different sort caused me to miss the Orlando event. We’ve got a large contingent here, comprising my fellow shareholder Dermot Davitt, plus Associate Editors Colleen Morgan and Helen Pawson, and our great sales team Sarah Genest, Claire Wates and Connie Magner.

Last night I had a nice chat with Tan Lye Teck, Executive Vice President Airport Management for Changi Airport Group. I told Lye Teck what a brilliant experience his airport offers to the consumer. When I landed from Hong Kong yesterday I was through immigration in about two minutes and my bag was already on the carousel. The signage was first class, the taxi queue system orderly, the information staff friendly. What’s there not to like about Changi Airport?

Ising imigration 2 sing immigration‘m at the show till Thursday. I look forward to catching up with old friends and to making many new ones.

1 sing with peuch and adda and dd

[Dermot Davitt with Sylvain Combe from French wine company Peuch & Besse and Adda Rodriguez from The 7C Group]

1 sing with the team

[With my team from The Moodie Davitt Report and a good friend of the company , Paul & Shark’s Catherine Bonelli (right): Colleen Morgan, Helen Pawson, Claire Wates, Sarah Genest and Connie Magner]