Celebrating a quarter century’s achievements in style

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

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BKk 3 - blog

I’m at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport, en route to Hong Kong and then London, my head a little tender after a wonderful King Power International Group 25th anniversary party and concert last night.


King Power party group shot


What magnificent hosts King Power were and the concert in the exquisite Aksra Theatre was a fantastic mix of top Thai artists and the legendary Kenny G (below).





I was here on the day Suvarnabhumi opened and to see it in its full maturity is interesting. To me the airport’s combination of the artistic and cultural with the commercial is one of the best in the world. I love the openness of the shops (no ceilings, no walls and doors) and there’s a very good mix of international and local brands.

I’ve got a key meeting in Hong Kong tomorrow and then it’s back through Suvarnabhumi later in the day for the long ride home. One day in London, then I am taking my life in my hands by going to Cardiff on Saturday to watch the All Blacks play Wales, in the company of arguably the most one-eyed Welsh rugby fan of all time, my colleague Rebecca Mann. I figure whoever wins it’s going to be bad for me, so I will be surely the only person in the stadium praying for a draw.

Sunday it’s back on a plane, bound for Dubai and the annual Middle East & Africa Duty Free Association conference. Where did this year go again?

BKk 15 - blog

BKK 16 - blog

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BKK 11 - blog

BKK 10 - blog

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