Running for her, running for Lynn

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

There’s just a week to go before Run for Her, the 8th Annual Los Angeles 5K Run & Friendship Walk on 11 November, which will raise monies to fund research into curing and preventing ovarian cancer.

The event is being championed by Lynn Arce (below), DFS Vice President Global Creative and Consumer Marketing, who, as readers of this Blog will know, has been receiving treatment for ovarian cancer at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, one of an estimated 230,000 women who will be afflicted by the disease this year.

It’s a notoriously hard cancer to detect, is often therefore caught too late and its fatality rate is high.

The brilliant news is that Lynn has come through her treatment and surgery with determination, courage and success. She’s just been given the all clear, the best possible boost on the eve of next weekend’s run, which DFS is generously sponsoring under the ‘Sleepwalkers around the World’ banner,  a community of people around the nation and the world supporting the cause.

If you want to be a part of Run for Her (but cannot run) you can register as a Sleepwalker. Registered Sleepwalkers play an essential role in spreading the word about ovarian cancer awareness. Please visit to learn more.

So far this year’s event has raised a remarkable US$514,651, a figure that The Moodie Report Foundation (dedicated to aiding cancer research) is topping up with a US$50,000 donation in support of Lynn and the war against ovarian cancer.

I unashamedly declare a personal interest in this particular fund-raiser. Lynn was one of my constant supporters during my own battle with cancer only to be struck down with the disease herself as I emerged from it. Like Lynn I too just received an important all-clear in the past few days (marking my having made it to the two-year mark post my treatment – a critical benchmark for gastric cancers).

Survival feels good. Ask me. Ask Lynn. And run for her.