There’s a Buzz in the air

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.


There’s going to be an extra Buzz in the air at Aer Rianta International-Middle East in the future.

That’s because the dynamic regional retailer has just hired Iain Harrison to help run the company’s Eygptian duty free operations. The long-time Nestlé International Travel Retail executive took a break – but not a Kit-Kat – in March after 23 years with the Swiss company but has been tempted back to the channel, this time on the retail side of the fence.

Iain is known as ‘Buzz’ to all his many friends in the industry, though for once The Moodie BLOG has no idea why.

Could it be that he looks like Buzz Aldrin, the second man (after colleague Neil Armstrong), to walk on the moon (and whose mother’s maiden name – not many people know this – was Marion Moon)? It’s hard to tell from the pictures above, as the space-walking hero tended to keep his features well hidden under his helmet.

Could it be a similarity with another great space character – Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story fame? There’s definitely some likenesses and the latter’s famous catchphrase ‘To infinity… and beyond!” would serve Aer Rianta International-Middle East’s dynamic expansion well.


Or could there be a sting in this tale? One final option might be a link to ‘Buzzy Bee’ (above), the most famous and historic toy in New Zealand (other than the blow-up sheep which has been reclassified as an adult item). Iain’s wife is known to refer to him as ‘Honey’ and, even more conclusively, his old boss at Nestlé, Dan Cappell (now also with Aer Rianta International-Middle East) enjoys strong links with the great Antipodean nation as his parents live there. Could Dan have spotted the similarity after visiting an Auckland toy shop?

So what makes Buzz buzz? Answers via our feedback option please, or c/o ‘Buzz in the Air’, Aer Rianta International-Middle East, Egypt.

  • I can reveal that a friend of mine told me that the truth about Buzz was actually revealed at a dinner in Cannes in 2004 but unfortuatly most people were every so slightly over refresed at the time to rember the ‘Buzz? speech,

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